There are ALOT of myths out there so we thought we'd shed some light on some of the common questions we get asked!
1. What is the ideal schedule for someone that works and doesn’t have a ton of time to dedicate to exercise?
Be realistic with your time. Think about this:
How many days can you dedicate to exercise (you can always add more!)
On those days how long can you dedicate to exercise
Put these days/times in your calendar as non-negotiable
Block them off so no one can schedule meetings
Think quality over quantity. Dedicate non-interrupted time to your workouts – it doesn’t have to be an hour. Start with 10 minutes, then keep going if you have time. You can also split your workouts into 10-minute increments throughout the day. It’s better than nothing!
Total Body: When you don’t have a ton of time think BIG. Do big movements like squat to push press, renegade rows with pushups, and lunge to lateral arm raise. Lift a little heavier so your body works harder.
2. Should you do weights or cardio?
The never-ending question. Your body needs both. It’s recommended to do 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous cardiovascular activity weekly AND 2 days of strength training. This is a minimum. If you break it down, it's 30 minutes for 5 days a week, less if you’re doing vigorous activity.
Cardiovascular health is extremely important for your overall health, but going on a treadmill for an hour can get a bit daunting or we may not have the time! You can do HIIT training or vigorous walking or intervals to get your heart pumping in half the time giving you that cardio your body needs without it taking hours. You also burn more calories/energy when you work harder! Your body gets used to the same thing every day so keep mixing it up for optimal results.
Can/should you do the same thing every day?
Like anything your body needs rest. It’s important to rest the muscles you worked during a workout the next day in order to avoid injury. Without rest, you'll make smaller, slower gains, plus you'll be more likely to run into overuse injuries. So things like, running every day, doing 100 pushups a day, your body will start to get tired working the same muscles every day. It’s best to do these non-consecutively to give your muscle groups time to recuperate from your workout. Lighter less vigorous activity such as yoga, stretching, and walking is fine to do every day and it will actually help you recover! It’s ideal to move your body in some capacity every day, but when it comes to strength training and cardiovascular activity it’s best to do these on non-consecutive days to avoid injury. Fill in the gaps with recovery activities like yoga and stretching!
A quick note on overtraining. Your body needs to rest in order to maximize your performance and results. If you end up overtraining your muscles you could lead to injury and burnout which actually creates smaller gains, fewer results, and tired muscles. You don’t work as efficiently which can lead to injury. Pay attention to soreness and adjust your workouts accordingly!
3. What’s a good workout schedule?
It’s the schedule that works for YOU, doing the workouts that YOU like, and the workouts that feel good for YOUR body!
It really depends on your goals and time. If you only have 30 minutes on most days, do that! It’s better to work out in less time than to skip your workout altogether.
In general:
Aim to work all major muscle groups 2-3 times a week
Aim for cardiovascular activity 2-3 times a week (this can be combined with strength training)
Aim for mobility, stretching on most days
4. What if I’m trying to lose weight?
Think about what works for your body. Lifting is great for both weight loss and maintenance and general fitness. So whether it's yoga/pilates or HIIT training and lifting weights – this is all strength training and great for your body regardless of your goals.
When it comes to weight loss strength training is key because we are trying to alter our body composition by burning energy and increasing our lean muscle mass. Also, think about all the other important areas that are essential to weight loss. Nutrition, sleep, and stress are crucial to weight maintenance so you can exercise all you want, but if those other things aren’t in check the scale won’t move much!
5. How do I know I’m working hard?
There are a few ways to test this!
One is the RPE scale or “Rate of Perceived Exertion”. Using this scale you can rate yourself with how hard your working and adjust to where you want to be! Here's a visual.
Another is the talk test.
Moderate activity - you can talk but not sing
Vigorous activity - you cannot hold a conversation without stopping to take a breath.
You can also use these calculations if you have a wearable device and want to get a mostly accurate representation of your heart rate.
To calculate your Max Heart Rate: Moderate Activity:
220-(your age)
For moderate-intensity physical activity, your target heart rate should be between 64% and 76%
220-39 = 181
64% level: 181 x 0.64 = 116 bpm
76% level: 181 x 0.76 = 137 bpm
To calculate your Max Heart Rate: Vigorous Activity:
220-(your age)
For vigorous-intensity physical activity, your target heart rate should be between 77% and 93%
220-39 = 181
77% level: 181 x 0.77 = 139 bpm
93% level: 181 x 0.93 = 168 bpm
*these are averages, if you do a lot of cardio your max heart rate will likely be higher
We hope that these answers help you navigate through your fitness journey a bit clearer but if you have more questions please reach out to us! This is what we do!